Source code for qbraid_qir.cirq.convert

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Module containing Cirq to qBraid QIR conversion functions

from typing import Optional

import cirq
from pyqir import Context, Module, qir_module

from .elements import CirqModule, generate_module_id
from .exceptions import CirqConversionError
from .passes import preprocess_circuit
from .visitor import BasicCirqVisitor

[docs] def cirq_to_qir(circuit: cirq.Circuit, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Module: """ Converts a Cirq circuit to a PyQIR module. Args: circuit (cirq.Circuit): The Cirq circuit to convert. name (str, optional): Identifier for created QIR module. Auto-generated if not provided. Keyword Args: initialize_runtime (bool): Whether to perform quantum runtime environment initialization, default `True`. record_output (bool): Whether to record output calls for registers, default `True` Returns: The QIR ``pyqir.Module`` representation of the input Cirq circuit. Raises: TypeError: If the input is not a valid Cirq circuit. ValueError: If the input circuit is empty. CirqConversionError: If the conversion fails. """ if not isinstance(circuit, cirq.Circuit): raise TypeError("Input quantum program must be of type cirq.Circuit.") if len(circuit) == 0: raise ValueError("Input quantum circuit must consist of at least one operation.") if name is None: name = generate_module_id(circuit) try: circuit = preprocess_circuit(circuit) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught raise CirqConversionError("Failed to preprocess circuit.") from err llvm_module = qir_module(Context(), name) module = CirqModule.from_circuit(circuit, llvm_module) visitor = BasicCirqVisitor(**kwargs) module.accept(visitor) error = llvm_module.verify() if error is not None: raise CirqConversionError(error) return llvm_module