Source code for pyqasm.entrypoint

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Top-level entrypoint functions for pyqasm.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import openqasm3

from pyqasm.exceptions import ValidationError
from pyqasm.maps import SUPPORTED_QASM_VERSIONS
from pyqasm.modules import Qasm2Module, Qasm3Module, QasmModule

    import openqasm3.ast

[docs] def load(filename: str) -> QasmModule: """Loads an OpenQASM program into a `QasmModule` object. Args: filename (str): The filename of the OpenQASM program to validate. Returns: QasmModule: An object containing the parsed qasm representation along with some useful metadata and methods """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Input 'filename' must be of type 'str'.") with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: program = return loads(program)
[docs] def loads(program: openqasm3.ast.Program | str) -> QasmModule: """Loads an OpenQASM program into a `QasmModule` object. Args: program (openqasm3.ast.Program or str): The OpenQASM program to validate. Raises: TypeError: If the input is not a string or an `openqasm3.ast.Program` instance. ValidationError: If the program fails parsing or semantic validation. Returns: QasmModule: An object containing the parsed qasm representation along with some useful metadata and methods """ if isinstance(program, str): try: program = openqasm3.parse(program) except openqasm3.parser.QASM3ParsingError as err: raise ValidationError(f"Failed to parse OpenQASM string: {err}") from err elif not isinstance(program, openqasm3.ast.Program): raise TypeError("Input quantum program must be of type 'str' or 'openqasm3.ast.Program'.") if program.version not in SUPPORTED_QASM_VERSIONS: raise ValidationError( f"Unsupported OpenQASM version: {program.version}. " f"Supported versions are: {SUPPORTED_QASM_VERSIONS}" ) # change version string to x.0 format program.version = str(float(program.version)) qasm_module = Qasm3Module if program.version.startswith("3") else Qasm2Module module = qasm_module("main", program) return module
[docs] def dump(module: QasmModule, filename: str = "main.qasm") -> None: """Dumps the `QasmModule` object to a file. Args: module (QasmModule): The module to dump. filename (str): The filename to dump to. Returns: None """ qasm_string = dumps(module) with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(qasm_string)
[docs] def dumps(module: QasmModule) -> str: """Dumps the `QasmModule` object to a string. Args: module (QasmModule): The module to dump. Raises: TypeError: If the input is not a `QasmModule` instance Returns: str: The dumped module as string. """ if not isinstance(module, QasmModule): raise TypeError("Input 'module' must be of type pyqasm.modules.base.QasmModule") return str(module)